Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

The wheel chords - the ultimate tool for all musicians

If you ever tried to learn theory of chords and that everything is in your head, then you know that a very good memory or years of practice before their brain has discovered what to do, Statuette decodes it for beginners, because it is a Visual representation, suitable for advanced musicians and music students. In fact, it is not a book but little excellent that comes with 12 pages of instructions.

I went through a number of different comments, until I understood that it could with the help of the wheel chords but I bought the book, the rest would be always be useless. Best thing about this book is that it contains 12 pages there are simply a guide on how to use the gadget.

The book explains in simple and clear. As you know, there are a number of books on the market for the same purpose, but all these books start with the basics and then go about the various options and exercises, making it difficult to track information. It is difficult to determine how the information is useful, or that is on the subject. Often, feels like us a new bout of education, need prior to find out about what you need to know.

In this case the gadget is out but, to be fair. Most people are agreed that the wheel chords is very useful. Everything you need to do is select a key and chords which are included in the family. You will find online or in the reference manual. You can play the chords in a given family in any order or combination you will find attractive. You must be sure that you sound like natural products.

Some advice, don't try to understand every concept and trying to understand how things fit together. Basically, you should try to build a strong foundation for learning approach correctly.

This short booklet and chord wheel gadget are probably one of the best instruments of the practice of all time.

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